For centuries, Fine Arts have played a vital role in people's lives. Today they continue to soothe, invigorate and capture the imagination of all. At the conclusion of the 28th and final season, the Fine Arts Board of The Presbyterian Church of La Porte has sponsored 163 arts events free to the public, while financially supporting the artists and recognizing their talents. The series has been funded entirely by contributions, for which we are most grateful.
The Fine Arts Board logo epitomizes the four areas of fine arts included in this series: music, dance, drama and media arts. Besides musical and dramatic performances, we have a Biennial Juried Art Exhibition, where area artists may submit works to be selected for several weeks of display at the church. In the summer, listeners may enjoy carillon concerts outside, played on the 36-bell carillon. Cultural diversity has been a hallmark of our events, which have included performers from Russia, Denmark, Portugal, Japan, The Netherlands, Germany and France as well as many areas of the United States.
Final Season
This is the final season for our Fine Arts Series, with events through September of 2014. Enjoy! We have enjoyed presenting these programs for you for more than 27 years. Many, many thanks to all of our Angel supporters and performers who have helped us make it happen, and also to our talented artists who have given us wonderful art exhibitions for all. This season’s donations will help us to complete the season and to support the church’s music programs, including continuing summer carillon recitals.
Please check out the information on this website to see photos from past events.